16 research outputs found

    Pendeteksi Gerakan Menggunakan Sensor PIR untuk Sistem Keamanan di Ruang Kamar Berbasis SMS

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    Room safety is very important considering that the crime scene is very disturbing to the public, one of which is the usual theft case. This might be caused partly because of economic factors that cause people to sometimes take shortcuts to make ends meet by stealing. So the PIR sensor sensor tool was made to detect human movements making it easier for us to control security when leaving a room empty, the media used is Mobile, by utilizing SMS facilities. The purpose of this research is the implementation of the PIR sensor as a detector of human motion in a room based on sms. This tool consists of a sensor that is a pir sensor as a detector of human motion around, and the bazzer will sound every time there is a movement that is captured by a pir sensor, a GPRS Shield which has a sim card inside that works to send SMS. This type of research used is qualitative research with experimental methods, namely by conducting a cona test (trial and error) for mechanical and electronic design components of the hadware and trying to explain. From this research produced information provider using two KC7738 PIR-based SMS sensors can be applied by the public so that they can provide information when leaving a room empty

    Implementasi Dan Pelatihan Google Apps For Education (GAFE) Untuk Pesantren Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Changes in business processes, lifestyles and ways of working that are more effective and efficient are caused by the rapid development of technology in various fields of human life, especially education. The current service partner is the Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmalaya Regency which has problems in optimizing educational activities in the pesantren environment. The use of features in Google Apps For Education (GAFE) is not optimal in educational activities, both in the teaching process between teachers and students, subject assignments, or other educational administration activities, so it is necessary to use these features more optimally. In addition, it is a new thing for teachers and students in optimizing the use of Google Apps for Education (GAFE), which makes it difficult and requires assistance to be used. This service provides alternative solutions for partners, namely the implementation and training of Google Apps for Education (GAFE) technology for teachers and students in an effort to improve skills and culture of responsiveness to the maximum use of technological developments so that it has an impact on the ease and smoothness of the online learning process


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    Perjuangan University is developing an information system in its campus, but the system is partially built. This has resulted in its own problems, there is no connectivity between systems and the difficulty of developing data integration. So that in the business process that occurs many experience difficulties in data synchronization and the amount of duplicate data that must be entered. One solution to overcome this problem is to utilize web service technology. The web service architecture used is REST. REST as a bridge that is able to integrate data in a stateless format. The results of the application of the web service as a backend system are able to integrate the existing academic information systems and library information systems without changing existing structures, programs or architecture. Format data exchange between systems using the JSON format. In addition, officers do not need to input and verify data several times, when the data in the library information system changes automatically in the academic information system the changes are immediately read

    Data Integrity Testing of Digital Evidence Data Capture Results on Private Cloud Computing Services

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    Private Cloud has better advantages than other cloud services because private cloud is managed and run by the company itself so that cloud needs can be tailored to the company's needs, but allows abuse from within the company itself, as in the case study simulation of a Gojek startup company. This case occurred because of a security weakness in the system so that internal people took advantage of these weaknesses for their own benefit by leaking confidential data, acquisitions were carried out to prove and find evidence of crime, acquisitions used live acquisition techniques, namely acquisitions on an ongoing system, namely monitoring network traffic using Wireshark tools , the method in this case uses the Digital Forensics Investigating Framework (DFIF), data integrity must be properly maintained when acquiring digital evidence because to maintain the authenticity of the digital evidence obtained, then data integrity is tested on the digital evidence obtained, testing is carried out on digital evidence before and after the acquisition to see if there is a change in data integrity, the research results show that there is no change in data integrity

    Performance Comparison of Response Time Native, Mobile and Progressive Web Application Technology

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    The development of technology in web-based applications is growing, this creates new problems. The web technology that is currently being discussed is Progressive Web Application (PWA) but is the PWA's performance better than the previous technology. This research is about measuring the performance of the Native Web, Mobile Web and PWA using three testing tools, namely GTMetrix, Lighthouse, and Chrome DevTool. The results of this study show how to measure the performance of a Progressive Web Application (PWA), where PWA can beat the performance of Native Web and Mobile Web if a web page is tested more than once. Test results on the Progressive Web Application (PWA), the minimum number of page files (home) is 217 kB with page loading time of 638 ms, while the medium page (about) is 431 kB with page loading time of 646 ms, and when accessing heavy pages (news) with a size of 41700 kB the page load time is 532 ms

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Motion Graphic Mata Pelajaran PAI Materi Ilmu Pengetahuan di Masa Bani Umayyah

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    Materi Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam dalam mata pelajaran PAI dianggap sulit oleh siswa karena banyak menyajikan peristiwa-peristiwa, tanggal, tahun, serta nama tokoh-tokoh sejarah di masa lampau yang sulit dihafalkan, sehingga dianggap hal yang abstrak dan hanya bisa dibayangkan siswa saja. Penggunaan media pembelajaran diharapkan mampu membantu siswa dalam mengatasi kesulitan tersebut. Pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis motion graphic bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media motion graphic mata pelajaran PAI materi pertumbuhan ilmu pengetahuan pada masa Bani Umayyah kelas VIII di SMPN 3 Sampit. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan research & development dengan model pengembangan ADDIE, yang diantaranya yaitu: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Instrumen penilaian yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kualitas produk berupa lembaran penilaian media yang digunakan untuk ahli materi, ahli media dan lembar tanggapan siswa dengan menggunakan skala likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa media yang dikembangkan memenuhi syarat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Abstract The materials of the history of Islamic Culture on Islamic Education Lesson is considered difficult by students because it presents many events, dates, years, and names of historical figures in the past that are difficult to memorize, so they are considered abstract things and can only be imagined by students. The use of instructional media is expected to be able to help students overcome these difficulties. The development of motion graphic based learning media aims to produce motion graphic media of Islamic Education Lesson about the growth of science in Bani Umayyah period for eight grade at SMPN 3 Sampit. This research method uses research & development with the ADDIE development model, which includes: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The assessment instrument used to determine product quality is in the form of a media assessment sheet used for material experts, media experts and student response sheets using a scale’s Likert. The results showed that the media developed met the requirements to be used as a learning medium

    Automatic Screen Reader Using JITBIT for Sending Message on WhatsApp Messenger

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    The current sales trend uses more online transaction concepts. The use of digitalization in online transactions and marketing is very important for businesses in increasing sales results to the maximum and on target. One way to increase this is by promoting on social media such as WhatsApp. Limited consumer contact makes it difficult for business actors to carry out promotions, so a database of consumer contacts is needed that can be maximized. In addition, problems in the process of sending manual messages can be overcome by using automatic message-sending actions so that promotions can be carried out automatically and quickly. The sending process is assisted by an "IF-THEN" statement and a screen that can recognize color conditions so that the automatic action can be operated on other services. The main objective of this research is to create a service that can accommodate consumer contacts by sharing contacts between business actors and being able to send messages automatically on WhatsApp by utilizing JITBIT. The results of this study prove that using JITBIT can send messages automatically on WhatsApp and can be operated on other services such as web-based applications. The results of the tests that have been carried out show that the accuracy level of JITBIT can send messages 100% with a delivery speed of 12 – 12.39 seconds/messag


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    Teknologi Informasi adalah suatu studi, perancangan, implementasi, pengembangan, dukungan atau manajemen sistem informasi berbasis komputer, terkhususnya pada aplikasi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak komputer. Teknologi informasi memanfaatkan komputer elektronik dan perangkat lunak komputer untuk mengubah, menyimpan, memproses, melindungi, mentransmisikan dan memperoleh informasi secara aman. Pada era revolusi 4.0, kemajuan teknologi adalah sesuatu yang tidak bisa kita hindari dalam kehidupan ini, karena kemajuan teknologi akan beralan sesuai dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Setiap inovasi diciptakan untuk memberikan manfaat positif bagi kehidupan manusia. Memberikan banyak kemudahan, serta sebagai cara baru dalam melakukan aktifitas sehingga dapat dikerjakan secara lebih efektif dan efisien. Kepala sekolah di SD Muhammadiyah Karangturi ingin para siswa yang akan mendaftar di SD tersebut tidak harus kesekolah untuk melakukan pendaftaran maka kepala sekolah SD muhammadiyah karangturi berinisiatif untuk pembuatan web Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB). Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) merupakan program yang dirancangkan oleh sekolah dalam setiap tahunnya. Oleh karena itu, pembuatan aplikasi penerimaan siswa baru secara online untuk membantu sekolah dalam melaksanakan Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) sehingga proses Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) dapat dilakukan secara lebih efektif dan efisien

    Perbandingan Algoritma Naïve Bayes Classifier dan Algoritma Decision Tree untuk Analisa Sistem Klasifikasi Judul Skripsi

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang perbandingan klasifikasi judul skripsi menggunakan algoritma naïve bayes classifier dan algoritma decision tree. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan dua algoritma dalam pengklasifikasian judul skripsi. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara studi pustaka dan literature sejenis. Hasil pengumpulan data akan di analisis dengan menggunakan algoritma naïve bayes classifier dan algoritma decision tree dengan tools rapidminer. Hasil penenlitian ini menemukan perbandingan yang cukup signifikan dengan hasil akurasi 80,33% untuk algoritma naïve bayes classifier dan 60,33% untuk algoritma decision tree dari 52 data judul skripsi yang digunakan


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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Pandeglang terwakili pada sektor unggulan. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi Kabupaten Pandeglang untuk mengidentifikasi sektor unggulan yang harus sesuai dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada situasi saat ini. Meskipun saat ini sektor-sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Pandeglang belum teridentifikasi dan belum ada analisis apakah sektor unggulan tersebut dapat mendorong stabilitas pertumbuhan ekonomi. Mengacu pada hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertekad untuk menganalisis sektor-sektor unggulan Kabupaten Pandegang yang dimaksudkan untuk mendorong stabilitas sektor pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah, dengan menggabungkan metode Analisis Shift-Share, Analisis LQ, dan Analisis Tipologi Klassens. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah dapat direpresentasikan oleh semua kegiatan sektor ekonomi basis di daerah tersebut